Sacral Attunement Masterclass: Elevate Your Life Today

Mar 28, 2023
Ep  26 - Sacral Attunement Masterclass: Elevate Your Life Today

The podcast episode is centered around the importance of tuning into the sacral response and the upcoming Sacral Attunement Masterclass being offered by the Aligned Living Academy. The awareness of being aware of one's frequency (the energy that we be in each moment) and how it affects the choices we make in life. If you are wanting to embody and integrate what the Sacral response feels like and why it is important for humanity, repetition and community connection is key for refinement of looking at life with curiosity and fun.


**Sacral Alignment and Frequency [00:00:01]**
The importance of living life at a higher frequency and how it affects our choices.

**Noticing and Shifting Lower Frequencies [00:01:18]**
 How we can fluctuate between frequencies and the importance of noticing when we are in a lower frequency and shifting it without judgment.

**Importance of Repetition in Tuning into Sacral Response [00:02:58]**
 The importance of repetition and not judging oneself when trying to tune into the sacral response.

**Sacral Attunement Masterclass [00:05:56]**
The upcoming Sacral Attunement masterclass being offered by the Align Living Academy and how it can benefit all types, not just generators and manifesting generators.

**Connection and Community [00:08:10]**
Emphasizes the importance of connection and community in learning and practicing the sacral response.

**Benefit of Masterclass for All Types [00:08:54]**
Discusses how the masterclass is beneficial for all types, not just generators and manifesting generators, and how it can affect humanity as a whole.

The Sacral Attunement Masterclass is scheduled for March 30th at 11 EST.
The Early Bird Pricing is $22 and there will be a replay.

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