Human Design & Leveraging Your Natural Abilities Part 2
Jan 27, 2022In Part 2 of this episode, I share with Business Break Through podcaster Estie Rand some of the deeper and more esoteric concepts of human design and how you can leverage your natural abilities for your success.
Pivotal Moments in the Episode:
- The one thing that drew Miranda to Human Design drew was a combination and collaboration of multi cultural wisdom.
- It is a tool for self awareness and self development, and then you can bring it into your business.
- You can go as deep as grandparents into human designs.
There are 5 types:
- Generator. Generators make up 70% of society.
- Manifesting Generators. Manifesting Generators (Mani-Gens) are inspired by their work.
- Projector. Projectors makes up 20% of society, they are usually the most misunderstood, tired and feel bitter.
- Manifestor. Manifestors make up 9% of society, they can initiate and it will happen.
- Reflector. Reflectors make up 1% of society. They have every single center is white. They take in energy from everything around them and mirror it.
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