Confronting Judgment: How Awareness of the Gate of Judgement (Gate 18) In Human Design Supports Personal Growth

Sep 19, 2023
Ep 100 - Confronting Judgment: How Awareness of the Gate of Judgement (Gate 18) In Human Design  Supports Personal Growth

In this  episode, we delve into the world of the importance of informing others when there are shifts and changes you are a Manifesting Generator. As a manifesting generator myself, I understand the need for space and realignment in order to avoid feeling constricted. So, let's explore how expressing ourselves authentically can prevent confusion and anger, both within ourselves and in our relationships with others. Join me as I share personal experiences and discuss the power of voice expression, releasing conformity, and embracing authenticity. Get ready to confront judgment, both towards ourselves and towards others, as we navigate the challenges of acceptance, love, and respect. 

Top 5 Key Topics of This Episode:

- Podcast schedule changes to accommodate depth and meaningful content

- Importance of Informing as a Manifesting Generator

- Overcoming fear of judgment and the impact of fear on self-expression

- Exploring the importance of releasing conformity and expressing oneself authentically

- Personal dream experience highlighting judgments from others

Reflection Questions:

1. In what ways do we shield ourselves and limit our self-expression due to fear of not fitting in or losing love?

2. How does the rejection Miranda experienced in her dream reflect societal prejudices and biases?

3. How can we all work on releasing judgment, both towards ourselves and towards others, in order to cultivate a more compassionate and inclusive mindset?


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